
Sunday, 21 April 2013

Agriculture Entomology

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faisal ameen randhawa

Molecular biology in cellular pathology

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1.       Blotting Techniques: Methodology and Applications.
2.       In-situ Hybridisation in Histopathology.
3.       DNA Flow Cytometry.
4.       Interphase Cytogenetics.
5.       Oncogenes.
6.       Molecular and Immunological Aspects of Cell Proliferation.
7.       Interphase Nucleolar Organiser Regions in Tumour Pathology.
8.       Apoptosis and Cell Senescence.
9.       The Polymerase Chain Reaction.
10.   Laser Capture Microdissection: Techniques and Applications in the Molecular Analysis of the Cancer Cell.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Advanced techniques in Soil Microbiology

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1- Detection and Diversity of Fungi from Environmental Samples: Traditional Versus Molecular Approaches.
2- Functional Genomic Approaches for Mycorrhizal Research.
3- Automated Fluoroscence Sequencing and Troubleshooting.
4- mRNA Quantitation Using Real Time PCR.
5- Laboratory Practice for the Production of Polyclonal and Monoclonal Antibodies.
6- Modern Techniques for Analyzing Immunological Responses.
7- Transcriptome Analysis.
8- RNAi Technology: a Tool for Functional Validation of Novel Genes.
9- Molecular Matchmaking: Techniques for Biomolecular Interactions.
10- Environmental Proteomics: Extraction and Identification of Protein in Soil.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


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Now is the time I should go up to the stage, get the Oscar, and recite a book-length script of all the people that helped make this book. However, the
thank you would probably be as big as this book, so to prevent from forgetting any-one, I would like to thank everyone that directly or indirectly made this book the opportunity to write this book. I would also like to thank my editors, EmiOn the technical side, I would like to thank the people at Premier Press for giving
Smith, Mitzi Foster, Heather Talbot, and Jenny Davidson for all their patience and
all they had to put up with. (Yes, the usual delays and the incessant questions.)
Please remember that what you are reading is not a book that I wrote myself, but
one that comprises the work of many talented people who are usually forgotte

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